Tuesday, October 27, 2009

making the most of your time????

Saw this the other day - Friends To Rent - quite an interesting new concept from those wonderful Germans. What would you offer to do with a complete stranger and how much would you charge for it, dodgy activities aside, makes you think about different activities and trying to place some monetary value on you and them...

How much would you charge for what you do normally but have someone else tag along?

Also, saw some adverts in the metro news paper for extras in both standard and not so standard films music video's etc. Again never having done anything like that before would be interesting to give it ago, not sure even what the time commitments would be.

Just found an interesting article from the times online site about being an extra @ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/consumer_affairs/article2109976.ece


  1. I like your site I've set up a similar site where i blog about making money thepennyexperiment.blogspot.com check it out you might find it useful I've certianly found your site useful. Thanks bren

  2. Thanks Brendan - Good Luck with your experiment! I hope more and more people start to lay down their own challenges/experiments to themselves and others around them! I'll add a link to your site from mine and my squidoo which will hopefully help with traffic!

  3. Thanks for helping with the traffic I'll try to direct some your way in return
